HOA Negotiations Update: June 8, 2020

In the most recent mediation session held on May 26, the bargaining teams worked through the state mediator to exchange comprehensive package proposals regarding all remaining unresolved terms including compensation, work hours and schedules, orientation, meals, committee membership, and parking.  While certain elements of these package proposals showed promise, agreement to the comprehensive package proposals was contingent on an acceptance of each bargaining team’s compensation proposal and the bargaining teams have been unable to reach an agreement on this issue.

As the result, the University has filed a petition with the Michigan Employment Relations Commission (MERC) to initiate the fact finding process.  Fact finding is a process MERC has in place to assist bargaining teams in reaching an agreement when they are unable to do so on their own.  MERC appoints a neutral outside fact finder to hold a hearing where the fact finder hears testimony and evidence in support of each team’s position on the unresolved issues and issues written recommendations regarding a resolution of each issue that each team can decide whether to accept.

In the meantime, it is a priority of the University’s bargaining team to reach agreement with the HOA prior to the expiration of the contract on June 30 because house officers are unable to receive their step increases after the contract expires. The University will continue to work with the HOA and the state mediator to try to resolve these issues and reach a comprehensive tentative agreement before June 30.